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Question (most recent posted at top)

April updates:

1. Will you have Hydrochloric acid available for teams flying?

Yes-we will have a refill bottle available for each team who has communicated to us they are flying to the contest, it will be available for pick up Saturday evening. 


March updates:

1. What do we use for CSR2 value if there are two suborders?

You should use the first one listed on the provided taxonomy sheet


2. Yes, this is an open-notes contest. 


3. Should we use XGR and GRX?

Both are acceptable as they are unambiguous for this contest


4. How will the Diagnostic Subsurface Horizons and Characteristics (and subgroup if more than one apply) going to be graded?

+5 points for every correct answer, -5 points for every wrong answer, can't have a negative box score


5. What if keys to soil taxonomy and the provided key do not match?

We will default to the contest-provided simplified key provided. 


6. What if we have a subgroup not listed in the CSR2 list provided? 

We will provide an updated CSR2 reference sheet when you arrive. 


15 Feb 2024 update

1. Are diagnostic horizons meant to be 8 cm or is this a typo?

This is intentional, due to younger soils and narrow bands of change that we want to be recognized


2. Classification: what if multiple apply? 

You should use the first one you can't reject as listed in the handbook. 


3. Wetness class, why does 2. have two parts? 

2a is if the glayed horizon is visible within the pit, but that isn't always the case, 2b addresses that. 


4. How do we determining mineralogy?

Assume mixed unless information is provided in the pit notes



1. What are you meaning by any relevant materials including practice sheets? What do you consider practice sheets?

Yes-practice sheets would be included


2. Will the nail be at the base of the 3rd horizon (page 5) or somewhere in the 3rd horizon (page 13)?

Somewhere in the third for now, may be adjusted to base of third


3. Will O horizons be part of the contest? It reads like they will be included. There are also subordinate distinctions listed that are only used with O horizons.

This is a possibility, we will add corresponding subhorizons


4. On the scorecard, is the Structure-Mod column for the structure source (pedogenic, geologic, and human impact) or for the modifier to go with blocky structures?

Depends on the formation mechanism-if it is a significantly compacted A horizon, and is blocky, that would go with human impact. Normally, pedogenic. 


5. Is the correct abbreviation geologic structure G or GS? Both are shown on page 15.

I believe we have updated to G (one letter abbreviation), but this would fall as unambiguous, so both would be accepted 


6. Are we recording coarse fragment percentages or just the coarse fragment modifier? There is not a column for percentage. Are the contestants supposed to record the coarse fragments on the scorecard for the water retention difference?

Only modifier in the graded column, but they would need % for water retention


7. Where in a horizon will the root abundance be determined?

As you would judge other properties...general or most of the horizon


8. Is negligible considered a surface runoff class to use when we back down the surface runoff for good cover under very low conditions?

Yes, but not ponded 


9. What type of calculator will be acceptable?

Not a phone or otherwise connected, not concerned about other functionality as they can have their own notes independently


10. Will subordinate distinction need to be in the proper order to be considered, correct?

Not planned as of now, but we can finalize at the coaches meeting


11. If outwash and till are both in the profile, will each need to be marked in the description?

These are together on the back of the scorecard, so shouldn't be a concern there, but the "2" should be used in the prefix in front of horizonation on the front page








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